September is National Skin Care Awareness Month

Renee Rouleau smiling

In 1995, I created National Skin Care Awareness Month ( because as a skin care expert and esthetician working with clients, I saw a real need for consumers wanting truthful, accurate and no-nonsense information about how to care for their skin. Consumers are truly confused!

I know people try their best to stay informed, but there’s so much information and misinformation to sort through—it’s enough to make your head spin.  I believe skin care products are not the only answer to solving skin care problems: diet, lifestyle choices, and habits have a lot to do with how your skin will behave and look. It is my mission to use my almost 25 years of hands-on experience working with skin to share with you what I know to be true so you can have healthy, beautiful and glowing skin.

I recently launched Skin Source–my A-Z guide to all my best expert tips, tricks and advice. So in honor of National Skin Care Awareness Month, I encourage you to spend some time reading all of my skin care articles so you can be a smarter consumer and get your skin looking its best.

Here’s a few of my favorite posts…

The 11 Causes for Acne and Blemishes

Is Your Skin Fading? Tips to Get the Glow

What Are These Bumps on My Skin?

My 3-Step Plan for Reducing Blackheads

Got a Blemish? Tips to Make It Go Away Fast

Skin Tips for Those in their 20′s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.

Want to have a skin consultation with skin care expert, Renée Rouleau? Click here to see which cities and countries Renée will be making appearances this year!

Which products are right for your skin? See our nine skin types and get products recommended.

For more expert skin advice, check out Skin Source–the A-Z guide on all things skin. Also sign up for our skin tip e-newsletter, follow Renée Rouleau on Twitter and join the discussion on our Facebook page. You’ll be your own skin care expert in no time!

Disclaimer: Content found on and, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website or blog.

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