You can purchase Advanced Resurfacing Serum here.
I saw early on in my esthetics career the powerful effects that retinoids had in reversing aging and I’ve always wanted to come out with a retinol product but wanted to wait until I felt the technology was advanced enough. And now I believe it has. (This product has been a long time in the making as may have read about here.) Watch the video below for how this product came to be and why I know this product can really make your skin look younger each day with continued use–without irritation or dryness.
Read: The Fountain Of Youth: Do Retinol Products Really Get Rid Of Wrinkles?
Read: How Will Your Skin Age? Predict The Future Of Your Skin
Which skin care products are best for you? See our nine skin types or take the Skin Type Quiz and get products recommended.
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Celebrity Esthetician & Skincare Expert
As an esthetician trained in cosmetic chemistry, Renée Rouleau has spent 30 years researching skin, educating her audience, and building an award-winning line of products. Her hands-on experience as an esthetician and trusted skin care expert has created a real-world solution — products that are formulated for nine different types of skin so your face will get exactly what it needs to look and feel its best. Trusted by celebrities, editors, bloggers, and skincare obsessives around the globe, her vast real-world knowledge and constant research are why Marie Claire calls her “the most passionate skin practitioner we know.”
Hi Renee! I am wondering if this product will also help with acne pock marks. I have also read that the benefits of retinol only last as long as you keep using the product, meaning that the effects are not permanent and the lines, etc. will return if you discontinue use. Is this true of your product as well?
Posted By: Rachel |
Hi Renee,
I have not tried your skin care yet, but am looking at all the different lines you carry to figure out which one is right. I think it’s going to be #4. My question is in your collection line #4 there are two face cleansers. Are there reading materials in this package that will explain how to use everything? I am in my mid-twenty’s and the routine I’ve been doing since about 19 is just not working anymore…I’ve noticed my skin is looking different. I feel that I am ready to graduate to a great line now that I am no longer a teen/early twenty’s.
Posted By: Brittany |
Hi Brittany!
When you go into the routine for skin type #4, you’ll see step-by-step instructions for how to use the products. In addition, all of the directions are on the back of the bottle or jar. And of course, you can always email us at customer service if you have questions. Now is a great time to get into a skin care routine specifically formulated for the needs of your skin and I’m so glad you’re considering my line. You’ll love it! -Renee
Posted By: Renée Rouleau |
Hi Renee,
I LOVE your products and was fortunate enough to meet you in NYC. I am using everything for Skin Type 3 as you suggested, however I am REALLY interested in using this Advanced Resurfacing System. Particularly because I am beginning to notice a few fine lines and also I would really like a product to help with existing acne scar indentations. (I’m thinking of trying laser resurfacing perhaps in the future.) However, I noticed that the A.R.S. is not suggested for my skin type. Any advice is surely appreciated!
Many thanks and best wishes,
Posted By: Trish Duran |
Hi Trish! Yes, you can definitely use the Advanced Resurfacing Serum as long as you’re using the BHA Clarifying Serum in your routine. -Renee
Posted By: Renée Rouleau |
Thank you so much, Renee, and your team for providing the best skin care products I have ever used! I have been a continued and avid user of Renee Rouleau skincare for almost 2 years now! I only wish I knew of your treatment early on since I am now in my late 20’s. I had suffered through bad acne as a teen and eventually I was put on Accutane. It was very effective, but also had harsh side effects since it is a consumable vitamin A treatment. But as I entered my mid 20’s my acne began to come back and I suppose this is adult/hormonal acne. I was put on a Retin-A prescription and my skin was just too sensitive to the side effects even through a committed usage. I also believe it didn’t help that my dermatologists did not advise me to moisturize properly due to the side effects of Retin-A. I gave up on Retin-A and this is when I discovered Renee’s products. Renee products have helped control my acne, but it seems my adult acne will not completely disappear.
Ultimately, my question is, will I be able to use the Advanced Resurfacing Serum as an acne treatment? I am very interested in trying it and I am excited that Renee has released a retinoid product.
Much thanks again!
Posted By: Amy Chen |
Hi Amy,
Thank you so much for you nice comments. I’m so happy to hear that our line has helped improve the condition of your skin so much! The answer to your question is yes, the Advanced Resurfacing Serum can be used for acne, however be sure to also use the BHA Clarifying Serum and the Skin Correcting Serum. They all offer different benefits for preventing breakouts, but as you’ll see in the directions for how to use the Advanced, it’s suggested to alternate with other serums. So using those two in your routine along with the Advanced will give your the best results for getting clearer skin. Enjoy! -Renee
Posted By: Renée Rouleau |