I’m just going to come out and say it. I think some people are using way too much fillers and Botox injected in their faces and people are looking…strange. When Botox® was FDA-approved for cosmetic purposes, I thought it was one of the most revolutionary advancements in the quest for younger-looking skin. Being able to paralyze the muscles that create wrinkles was (and still is) amazing. Likewise, when dermal fillers, such as Restylane, hit the market I thought that this was also an effective way for plumping up deeper lines.
As a licensed esthetician (the profession of getting people to have clearer, smoother, firmer and younger-looking skin), I do think that these procedures can be a great complement to the high-tech facials and skin peels that I offer, but only if they are done conservatively. I realize the benefits of such treatments, but more and more I feel that Botox and dermal fillers are being overused by women who are willing to go to any length to remain wrinkle-free…
You know what I’m talking about: Those puffy, tight, but exaggerated facial features or the look of a frozen face? Look at any of the Housewives shows, most all of them have this kind of strange look with their facial expressions–or lack of. Sure they have no wrinkles, but do they actually look good? Do people really think that a face free of wrinkles is appropriate at age 40, 50 and 60? Do they consider trying to have the skin of someone 20-30 years younger a healthy approach to aging? Obviously, celebrities like the late Joan Rivers thought so. She was a perfect example of how, on the journey for wrinkle-free skin, it can be easy to lose sight at what’s staring back at you in the mirror.
Read: How to Ensure Natural Looking Results from Botox
Wrinkles are simply a fact of life so it is important to practice self-acceptance. Beauty is imperfect—it’s glowing skin, happiness and laugh lines. It’s okay to want to look 5-10 years younger than your age. I know I certainly do. When other people think you’re younger than you are is one of the best compliments a woman can receive!
Read: The Fountain of Youth: Do Retinol Products Really Get Rid of Wrinkles?
Looking realistically younger than your age with the help of professional cosmetic advancements and a good home care routine formulated for your skin type is a great plan. Putting your best face forward and still looking like yourself is what I believe we should all strive for and the key to cosmetic success is to find a doctor that won’t grant your every request. If your doctor is willing to give you Botox or fillers every month and is constantly suggesting that you put a little more of this and that here and there, leave and find someone else who will take a conservative approach because it’s so easy to get carried away. One of my celebrity clients went to a top cosmetic doctor in New York and he put a cocktail of different fillers in her face. She hated the way it changed her face and it took over a year to wear off. Yikes.
Read: My Five Best Anti-Aging Tips
Personally, I use Botox in between my eyebrows and a bit around my eyes. However, I have never tried using a filler because I worry about it changing the shape of my face and altering my appearance. But I’m not afraid of wrinkles, but I do have a preference for certain types wrinkles. I like defined lines around the eyes that still look hydrated, dewy and soft because they add to the expression to my face.
Read: Are You Exfoliating Around Your Eyes? If Not, You Should Be
If you want to achieve beautiful skin, along with a good home care routine, you need to make regular facial treatments and chemical peels a top priority. This provides the perfect opportunity for specialized ongoing evaluations that create a protocol that is always current and responsive to the wants and needs of your skin. And go easy when having cosmetic enhancements as it’s easy to get carried away.
Readers, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Let me know in the comments section below.
P.S. I recently posted a picture of what I might look like at age 75. You can see my shocking photo here.
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Celebrity Esthetician & Skincare Expert
As an esthetician trained in cosmetic chemistry, Renée Rouleau has spent 30 years researching skin, educating her audience, and building an award-winning line of products. Her hands-on experience as an esthetician and trusted skin care expert has created a real-world solution — products that are formulated for nine different types of skin so your face will get exactly what it needs to look and feel its best. Trusted by celebrities, editors, bloggers, and skincare obsessives around the globe, her vast real-world knowledge and constant research are why Marie Claire calls her “the most passionate skin practitioner we know.”
I saw an absolutely beautiful 83 years young lady at a wedding. She was glowing, dancing , and laughing. I thought she was 60 something, on the young side. Boy was I shocked. This lady had wrinkles , no cosmetic enhancements except makeup and blonde hair color. She told us she works out every day, and gets facials! She’s my role model. I am an esty too, I so agree with you!! Keep up the good work!!
Posted By: Felicia Medlock Blair |
Everybody talks about lines and wrinkles, how to prevent them to look younger. But what about that type of aging when person genetically have not so many wrinkles but face oval blurs out and face looses its shape? To me it looks worse that face with many wrinkles but with well-defined oval. I’ve heard that skin care products have no effect for this type of aging and the only effective way to battle skin that drip down to your neck is to cut it off surgically. Is it true?
Posted By: Natalia |
Yes, what you’re referring to is a loss of tone due to gravity and UV exposure. You would have to discuss with a cosmetic surgeon or cosmetic dermatologist to see what options are available. There are some lasers that claim to tighten and lift the skin, but I hear they don’t work well.
Posted By: Renée Rouleau |