With 25 years of hands-on experience as an esthetician, I am well-versed in the tricks of the trade. I have advice on everything from how often you should wash your face to how to get rid of blackheads. However, like many people, I do have a history of skin habits I’m not so proud of. These days, I try my best to lead by example because my profession demands it and because it’s what’s best for my skin in the long run. Read on to find out about my skin care secrets, my past skin care sins and also what I do and use now to ensure my skin is at the top of its game.
Let’s start with the bad, shall we? Here are the skin care sins I’ve committed in the past (maybe some of you can relate):
Tanning. During my high school years in the late ’80s, I worked at a drugstore that sold tabletop suntan lamps. Since I was always trying to get away from being so ghostly pale, I gladly embraced the lamp in hopes of getting a deep, dark tan. Did you know that it’s possible to get a severe sunburn and painful, oozing blisters from a lamp? Well, it is and I have. Ouch.
When I was 18 (and already a practicing esthetician), I occasionally used tanning beds, which have UVA rays that cause premature lines and wrinkles. Luckily, I soon learned the error of my ways and now want nothing to do with tanning of any kind.
Smoking. I smoked cigarettes as a teenager, but I gave them up for a New Year’s resolution one year and never touched them again. When I go back to France to visit my husband’s family, I’m around a lot of smokers, but I have no interest in lighting up. My skin can definitely thank me for that! Did you know that a smoker’s skin can appear slightly gray because capillaries are dying and closing off, which reduces blood supply and oxygen? They tend to have increased blackheads that appear on the tops of the cheeks, sides of the nose, upper lip and forehead (areas where the smoke accumulates). Smokers will also experience increased wrinkling, especially on the cheeks and mouth, and under-eye puffiness from collagen damage. Even without other serious health implications, the physical effects should be enough to get anyone to quit.
Picking Blemishes. I used to be a terrible picker. I’ve always said that I went into this profession so I could actually get paid to do what I love — picking! I justified my own problem by saying, “I’m licensed. I know what I’m doing.” Luckily, I finally had the self-discipline to give it up in 2001 (another New Year’s resolution). Picking leads to terrible scarring and it only makes blemishes worse. After all, what’s easier to cover up with concealer: a closed, small bump or an open, scabby, oozing wound? It’s your choice. Read: How To Break Your Skin Picking Habit
Not Getting Enough Professional Skin Treatments. I recommend people get monthly facials, but with my busy travel schedule and running a growing skin care company, sometimes I just can’t make it happen. I don’t always have the “me time” I want, but if I skip a professional facial, I make sure to do a mini-facial at home with an exfoliating peel and mask.
Not Protecting My Hands From The Sun. I have to admit that I’m not always good at remembering to put sunscreen on the tops of my hands before driving in the car, even though they are exposed to the same damaging UV rays as my face. Wearing sun protection is essential for all exposed areas, since the number-one cause of premature skin aging (wrinkles, rough texture, brown spots) is unprotected sun exposure. Read: Easy Sun Protection For The Hands
Now that those bad habits are out of the way, here are some important skin care rules I live by and I encourage my clients and readers to do the same.
Avoiding Sunlight In Airplanes. Whenever I travel, I always book a window seat so I can control the shade by closing it. Did you know that when you’re in an airplane, you may be exposed to the same amount of harmful UV rays as you would be in a tanning bed for 20 minutes? This harmful radiation is responsible for damage to cell DNA, which leads to premature wrinkles and brown spots.
Using & Reapplying Sunscreen. I apply and reapply sunscreen on my face, neck, and sides of my neck 365 days a year — rain or shine. I follow my Daily Protection SPF 30 moisturizer with a dusting of an SPF-infused mineral powder for extra protection and easy reapplication throughout the day.
Increasing My Circulation. Healthy skin has good blood flow. To achieve this, I hang my head upside-down for three minutes per day. This can be done up against a wall, during a downward dog pose in yoga or simply by hanging your head over the side of your bed. After three minutes, a slight redness appears on my skin. In the long run, it can make a big difference in getting (and keeping) my inner glow and looking lit from within. (The reason this works is because blood carries all of the oxygen and nutrients to feed the cells both in our skin and body. Arterial, venous, capillary and pulmonary systems are all avenues through which blood circulates. When capillaries are dilated, the uptake of oxygen and blood increases, ultimately causing the glow.)
Limiting My Dairy Intake. Although there is not much scientific evidence to back it up, I’ve found that dairy causes me to break out in cystic acne. Many, many of my clients have also come to the same conclusion over the years. As much as I adore cheese, especially on my yearly trips to France to see family, I’ve learned to limit my dairy intake because too much will cause me to break out. Keeping dairy to a minimum (plus using Anti-Cyst Treatment when I flare up) has helped my skin tremendously.
Retinol. Aside from sunscreen, retinol is considered to be one of the most effective ingredients for making pores look smaller and smoothing the skin. I can’t live without my stable, time-released Advanced Resurfacing Serum, which contains pure retinol. More than any other product I have ever used, it has improved the clarity and texture of my skin.
Toner. I’m a huge fan of using an alcohol-free toner after cleansing to remove drying chlorine, salts and minerals found in tap water. I leave the toner damp on my skin before applying my serum and moisturizer, and it helps give my thirsty skin cells an instant boost of moisture. Additionally, leaving it damp causes the skin to be more permeable, so the performance ingredients in my serum can work more effectively. From my line, I use Elderberry Toner. See my collection of alcohol-free toners.
Exfoliants. Exfoliation is the key to solving most skin woes — reducing and preventing breakouts, fading post-breakout marks, clearing clogged pores and giving a glow. When I’m in a rush and need my skin to look smooth, there’s nothing like using a gentle facial scrub (like Mint Buffing Beads) for an instant glow. I always use round, natural jojoba beads, as they are gentle and better for the environment.
When I have a little more time (and as part of my at-home mini-facial), I apply Triple Berry Smoothing Peel and leave it on for 10 minutes. It is guaranteed to remove dead skin cells, soften lines and wrinkles and make the skin look flawless under makeup.
There you have it—my past skin care sins, some of my present-day skin care rules to live by and a few of my favorite products. You can always read more about your specific skin concerns and issues on the ADVICE page of our website. Don’t forget, no matter what you’ve done to it in the past, it’s never too late to start caring for your skin.
Read: 34 Tips to Get Your Best Skin Ever
Read: Five Tips To Get Rid Of Adult Breakouts
Read: The Cure For Red, Sensitive, Extremely Dry Skin
Which skin care products are best for you? See our nine skin types or take the Skin Type Quiz and get products recommended.
Need expert advice from a licensed esthetician? Schedule a virtual consultation to get customized advice in person, over the phone or online via Skype or FaceTime.
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Celebrity Esthetician & Skincare Expert
As an esthetician trained in cosmetic chemistry, Renée Rouleau has spent 30 years researching skin, educating her audience, and building an award-winning line of products. Her hands-on experience as an esthetician and trusted skin care expert has created a real-world solution — products that are formulated for nine different types of skin so your face will get exactly what it needs to look and feel its best. Trusted by celebrities, editors, bloggers, and skincare obsessives around the globe, her vast real-world knowledge and constant research are why Marie Claire calls her “the most passionate skin practitioner we know.”
I love your honesty about your past skincare sins! It’s refreshing to hear a skincare professional admit to things like tanning and not wearing sunscreen. It makes your advice seem more relatable.
The tip about airplane sun exposure is something I never knew! I will definitely be booking a window seat and using sunscreen on future flights.
Your ‘Skin Care Rules’ section is packed with great advice – increasing circulation with head stands, limiting dairy, and using specific products like retinol and toner. I especially appreciate the info on using toner damp for better absorption.
Posted By: auraskinpro |
Hello Renee, I have a little spot of redness on my right cheek (it may be rosacea) but I occasionally break out am I a skin type 2 or 4 I already took the quiz but I’m still confused of which skin type I have?
Posted By: Vanessa |
Hi Vanessa, It’s hard for me to determine your skin type without knowing all of the details. Why don’t you reach out to our customer service and have them help you. Be sure to give them specific details about your skin. If you only have a spot of redness on one cheek, it’s not sounding like rosacea. It will generally be fairly consistent on both sides.
Posted By: Renée Rouleau |
I do not want my pores to get anymore large and Im having trouble with blackheads. I don’t usually get breakouts with new acne. Usually just blackheads on checks sometimes chin and nose and ears. Along with a few hurtful pimples deep in the skin and a couples cysts. What can I do to prevent more ache in the future, more blackheads from appearing and scarring. Do kmow any ingredients that I could use to slow and stop my face from becoming oily and slow its oil production which I think is the main reason for my acne and clogged pores. I have heard jojoba extract and oil can help slow down oil production. Is there any other natural ingrediants and is this true?
Posted By: Diana |
Hi Diana, I recommend you browse through my blog posts. I have entire sections dedicated to large pores, oiliness and blackheads. You can read them all here https://blog.reneerouleau.com/
Posted By: Renée Rouleau |
Thank you very much for your article!
I really wish I could buy your products but I live in Spain. 🙁 However I love reading your articles. So, really, I just wanted to thank you.
Posted By: María |