Skincare After Sun Exposure: Which Ingredients to Start and Stop Using

woman applying a skin care product on her face

For many of us, summer means spending more time outside. You already know you should be applying (and reapplying) sunscreen, wearing sun-protective clothing, and seeking shade when possible. Unfortunately, though, no matter how diligent you are about sun protection, you’ll still be exposed to free radical damage. And that can aggravate and inflame your skin. It might not cause a visible sunburn, but it can lean your skin in a less-than-ideal condition.

Of course, spending time outside is one of the great joys of summer, so I’m certainly not suggesting you hole up inside! (If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I spend a lot of time outdoors!) Instead, keep reading for my guide to skincare after sun exposure. Follow this advice, and your skin will feel refreshed and revived in no time. 

Best After Sun Care | 5 After Sun Skin Care Tips

After spending a day enjoying the sunshine, your skin can often feel the effects of exposure to heat and UV rays. Whether it’s tightness, redness, or dehydration, after sun skin care is crucial for maintaining its health and glow. In this post, we’ll share the best after sun care tips to help you soothe and revive your skin. From cooling down with cold compresses to hydrating with gel-based masks, these essential steps will ensure your skin recovers beautifully after sun exposure.

Complete Routine for Skin Care After Sun Exposure

Here are my best tips for reviving your skin after a day of fun in the sun.

1. Cool Your Skin Down Once You’re Indoors

As I said before, sun exposure isn’t the only thing you have to worry about in the summer. Being in the heat and having your body’s internal temperature increased can cause all sorts of problems, including dehydration, hyperpigmentation, and redness. The way to combat this is simple. Cool your skin down as soon as you get back inside. There are several ways you can do this.

  1. Apply something cold to your skin. This could be a jade roller you keep in the fridge or if you want to get fancy, cryo tools. Of course, I also love going the opposite route and using a simple cold compress or a trusty bag of frozen peas. Just make sure you put something between the bag and your skin to keep it protected.
  2. Turn your favorite toner into ice cubes. I love doing this during the summer, and it’s super easy. All you need is your favorite alcohol-free toner and an ice tray. Voila! 
  3. Keep your skincare products in the fridge. While I don’t think skincare fridges are a necessity by any means, some products can feel really nice on the skin when they’re cold. Learn which skincare products to keep in the fridge.
  4. Take a cold shower. This might be the least glamorous of all the options, but a nice, cold shower never fails to cool down the skin! 

2. Hydrate with a Gel-Based Mask

Moving on to skincare products, the first thing I recommend to anyone after being in the sun is a gel-based mask. These are great for replenishing water levels in the skin to combat barrier damage and dehydration. I love a gel mask that also includes soothing ingredients, like the Rapid Response Detox Masque, to really help bring down any irritation in the skin. This is one of the products I love to keep in the fridge for additional cooling benefits!

3. Load Up on Antioxidants

When you’re out in the sun, your skin is in defense mode. Once out of the sun, it goes into repair mode. You’ll want to do everything you can to aid in that process. One of the best ways to do this is to load up on antioxidants and apply them to your skin both during and after sun exposure. Antioxidants, both in skincare and food, are a powerhouse when it comes to protecting your skin from cellular damage caused by free radicals. Learn how antioxidants work and why you should include them in your skincare routine

4. Use Ingredients that Calm and Soothe

Speaking of aiding your skin’s natural repair processes, you’ll want to focus on using products with ingredients that calm and soothe the skin. This will help counteract some of the inflammation that’s been triggered and, as I like to say, “put out the fire.”

Here are a few ingredients I love for soothing upset skin:

  1. Algae Extract (especially red marine algae)
  2. Vitamin E
  3. Water Lily Extract (Nymphaea alba)
  4. Green Tea Extract
  5. Allantoin

5. Don’t Exfoliate or Use Retinol

Now let’s talk about what NOT to use. Here are some of the ingredients and types of products you’ll want to avoid after spending a day in the sun:

You want to avoid these types of products after being in the sun because they can be quite stimulating. Your skin is already over-stimulated (and probably inflamed) from all the free radical activity, so the goal should be to soothe, calm, and coddle it. 

You should aim to lay off these ingredients and products for two days post-sun. That said, it’s always important to listen to your skin and make sure it doesn’t seem irritated before adding these products back in. If you’re dealing with an actual sunburn, you’ll want to wait until your skin is completely healed (you shouldn’t experience any redness, peeling, stinging, or itching whatsoever).

Solved! How to Care for Skin After Sun Exposure

By following these after-sun care tips, you can effectively counteract the negative effects of sun exposure and keep your skin in top condition. Remember to cool your skin down, hydrate thoroughly, and load up on antioxidants. Avoid harsh ingredients that might aggravate your skin further, and focus on soothing and calming products. With these steps, your skin will not only recover but also be ready for more summer fun. Keep these tips in mind to enjoy the sunshine while maintaining healthy, radiant skin all season long.

Disclaimer: Content found on and, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website or blog.

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