5 Things You Should Stop Doing To Your Skin Once You Turn 30

a woman standing

Of all the decades, switching from the 20s into your 30s is when your skincare habits and your routine needs to change the most. This is largely due to the decrease in oil production as well as growth hormones that will make the skin act differently. If you want to keep your skin healthy after 30, here are five things you should consider stopping that can make a big impact now and in the years to come.

Stop putting off getting your vision checked so you can avoid unnecessary squinting.

I hear complaints about under-eye lines and wrinkles starting to appear when my clients are between the ages of 29-33. For a lot of people, it freaks them out. This is certainly understandable because it’s the first sign of the skin’s aging process due to smiling which creates folds in the skin. If you want to keep your skin healthy after 30, avoid squinting which causes additional wear and tear to the under-eye area. For many people in their 30s, squinting is often caused by blurry vision; so it’s time to make that long overdue appointment to get glasses or contacts.

However, even if your vision isn’t blurry, but you spend long hours in front of your laptop, you might get eye strain that leads to squinting. They have special glasses to help ease this issue. For those who wear contacts, you’ll want to go real easy when pulling on the skin when you remove them.

As for treating the eye area, your early 30s is a great time to start using an under-eye exfoliator like Overnight Eye Serum twice a week to smooth away dryness. Also, a nightly eye cream like Total Eye Repair Creme will keep the skin moist and supple. The combination of the two will give fast improvement for a smoother-looking texture.
Gentle Under Eye Exfoliant

Stop partying so much.

Aside from excessive smoking and drinking not being the best habits for your overall health, they certainly aren’t bringing benefits to the skin. Since age 30 is considered a turning point for the skin, now is the time to try to keep that to a minimum.

Smoking starves cells of oxygen and creates collagen-destroying enzymes (MMPs) that can dramatically increase how quickly the skin ages.

As for drug use, every drug will affect the body differently. Generally speaking, medications and drug use can cause stress to the nervous system. As a result, they elevate hormones (adrenals) which contribute to a weakening of the skin’s connective tissue, causing sagging skin in your later years.

Alcohol isn’t doing your skin any favors either. Read how alcohol is affecting your skin.

Stop sleeping in your makeup.

As a result of partying and late nights, this is one habit to stop in your 30s. Did you know the face is thought to be the dirtiest part of your body from touching it all day? Then, add in your daily products like sunscreen and liquid makeup along with oil secretion and pollution from the environment, and it all makes for a face that is desperately in need of a good cleaning. When your skin is freshly washed, your nighttime products can work so much better. Learn about the perfect nighttime skincare routine to keep your skin healthy after 30.

Stop treating your skin like you’re in your early 20s.

It’s time to move on from using all the harsh acne products that you used in your younger years, even though they may have done a good job keeping your breakouts under control. When you’re in your 30s, your skin is changing due to hormones. For most people, they have simply outgrown the type of acne that once was, without even realizing it. They still think their breakouts are gone due to their products but this is usually no longer the case. (However, breakouts can now occur on the chin and jawline acne in the form of cysts well into your 30s and beyond. Read how to prevent chin and jawline breakouts.) Your skin now needs antioxidants, hydration, and skin-comforting ingredients to keep it in a healthy state—NOT over-drying acne cleansers and treatments.

“Just like how you’re growing up, your skincare routine needs to as well.”

The best kind of products for lessening adult acne (for those who still need it) are ones that are formulated to reduce bacteria in a very gentle way. Rapid Response Detox Masque is one such product. It actually hydrates while reducing breakout activity. What a concept, right?

Are you still getting breakouts during “that time of the month”? Read how to prevent monthly hormonal breakouts.

Stop going it alone when it comes to your skin.

I see a lot of 30-somethings that have been using the same skincare products for years and are confused as to why they aren’t working anymore. Or, their routine from their younger years is just so basic since now their skin requires advanced products. I highly recommend consulting with a trusted skincare professional who can guide you to the perfect routine for your skin type. Age 30 is considered a turning point for the skin and the time is now to up your skin-smoothing, pore-refining, and wrinkle-prevention game. One of the best products to do that is with a stable retinol serum like Advanced Resurfacing Serum. In your 30s is the perfect time to get started on a high-performance product like this.

Just like how you’re growing up, your skincare routine needs to as well. Schedule a virtual consultation with an esthetician.
best retinol serum for in your 30s

If you want to keep your skin healthy after 30, get educated about how to best care for your skin.

I have so many blog posts that have all of my best advice from working as an esthetician for the past three decades. I hope you take the time to explore all of my skin info. My life’s mission is to help make you a smarter consumer when it comes to your skin. So help yourself to all of my free knowledge! Start by reading 7 surprising ways you’re aging your skin faster.

Disclaimer: Content found on www.ReneeRouleau.com and Blog.ReneeRouleau.com, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website or blog.

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