Updated 3/6/18. Like many women, I too am a yo-yo dieter. Unfortunately, more ups than downs. One thing I have personally noticed when I look in the mirror is that I have a few deeper lines on my face that weren’t noticeable previously. With weight loss and weight gain, the skin’s appearance will be affected, sometimes for the worse and sometimes for the better.
In this post, I’ll go into how your weight can play a part in your skin and share my expert tips to keep it looking and feeling its best.
How does weight loss affect my face?
The above photo is of me back in 2011 when I first joined a CrossFit gym. The after photo was a year later in 2012. I was ages 41-42 and even though it wasn’t massive weight loss, I definitely noticed changes in my face.
When you lose weight, what is mainly occurring is that you’re you losing the fat in the skin. When it comes to the face, this will decrease the plump look with your face. Essentially, the bed mattress in your skin has deflated a bit. While this process naturally happens as we age (most noticeable starting in the mid-40s due do a slow down of estrogen), lines and wrinkles appear deeper and the skin will be more flaccid (loose). A 10-20 pound weight loss will probably not make a huge difference in your facial appearance but anything over that can definitely show a loss of volume. Whenever I used to watch shows like The Biggest Loser, you can really see the dramatic change in the skin. A lot of people who have experienced extreme weight loss have to have the skin on their body surgically removed since it sags and hangs so much, so this confirms that point.
What can also be made more noticeable with losing weight in the face is the size of pores. Just like lines and wrinkles, pores are indents in the skin and without fat underneath filling them out, they sink further into the skin making them appear larger and deeper. (This also goes for chicken pox scars and indented acne scars.)
How does weight gain affect my face?
The exact opposite of what I described above. When gaining weight, you increase fat cells underneath the skin which gives a natural plumpness to fill out lines, wrinkles, and pores. Generally, people who carry extra pounds will look younger. People pay thousands of dollars to get fat injections in their skin to do exactly what your favorite foods will do. (As you can hear me explain in this video on Instagram!) I wrote a post showing how these two twin sisters aged differently. As you can see, weight can make an improvement.
How do frequent weight fluctuations affect my skin?
For those like me, who are up and down, it does have a negative effect on the skin which relates specifically to the elasticity of your skin. Similar to a rubber band, when the skin is stretched out regularly, it will bounce back. However, the frequent expansion and contraction of the skin over and over will take its toll on your skin’s elasticity which will encourage looser, less-firm skin. With frequent weight fluctuations, the “jowls” is the one area of the face that becomes most apparent. (Did you know that the elasticity of your capillaries and blood vessels can also weaken with age? Read tips to help capillary redness.)
How can I keep the elasticity strong in my skin if I lose and gain weight frequently?
- Keep as close to the same weight as possible. You’ll want to stay in a healthy range as recommended by your doctor.
- Wearing sunscreen 365 days a year. One of the main contributors as to why the skin doesn’t bounce back when you lose weight is due to damage caused by daily daylight exposure. The easiest thing you can ever do that will make the biggest difference of all is to apply sunscreen faithfully to both the face and the neck every day.
- Use a vitamin C serum under your sunscreen daily. All experts agree. A serum with vitamin C is incredibly effective for keeping environmental damage to a minimum. You can see this experiment I did with an apple to see its effects!
- Use a prescription retinoid or retinol serum at least three nights a week. Derived from vitamin A, retinol is probably one of the most tried-and-true ingredients for keeping the skin looking younger and smoother. Read my beginner’s guide to using retinol.
- Use skin care products that promote a firming effect. We’ve come a long way with skin care formulas and I can assure you, well-formulated, high-quality products using what are known as peptides, can make an improvement in the quest for firming looking skin. They have the ability to target early wrinkles and strengthen the skin from the inside out.
- Limit your alcohol consumption. Yes. Alcohol takes a toll on the skin in more ways than one. Read how alcohol affects your skin.
- Avoid smoking. I know this one seems obvious but smoking is just not good for any part of your body and I’m quite saddened that this harmful trend is coming back. (Whoever thought we’d start seeing cigarette ads in luxury magazines again?)
- Consider dermal fillers if you want a plumper look. While this is more invasive and costly than eating your favorite ice cream to get a plumping effect, getting fillers from a trusted cosmetic dermatologist or skin care professional can certainly help. But make sure you read this first.
In summary, taking really good care of your skin and trying to keep your weight consistent is most beneficial but there are many things that can help.
Interested in learning more about how to care for your skin and which products are best to use? Schedule a virtual consultation with an esthetician or simply take this easy Skin Type Quiz.

Celebrity Esthetician & Skincare Expert
As an esthetician trained in cosmetic chemistry, Renée Rouleau has spent 30 years researching skin, educating her audience, and building an award-winning line of products. Her hands-on experience as an esthetician and trusted skin care expert has created a real-world solution — products that are formulated for nine different types of skin so your face will get exactly what it needs to look and feel its best. Trusted by celebrities, editors, bloggers, and skincare obsessives around the globe, her vast real-world knowledge and constant research are why Marie Claire calls her “the most passionate skin practitioner we know.”
I am 27 years old and I was maintaining 60kgs for about 8 years. So I recently lost weight due to exercises and taking very long walks, trying to stay fit because of Covid 19. I am now ranging between 53-55kgs. My face also lost fat, it’s a bit smaller now. Unfortunately I had an acne breakout which was severe and tried using natural ingredients to clear it up. It worked but right now it’s been 3 months struggling with acne scars. They are extremely visible. This weight loss is taking a toll on my facial skin. I used to have oily skin and it was easier to maintain but it changed to combination skin. I also noticed when I am approaching my periods the acne comes back, so will be adding more scars which are hard to clear up. Someone said I should use Vitamin C serum, HA face wash and Protinol moisturizer. Do you think they will work on my skin to clear up the acne and scars? Do you also think drinking green tea everyday will reduce my acne?
Posted By: Cindy |
Because the skin is always trying to restore itself the barrier can always be restored. You may want to see a doctor to verify that you do not have any sort of skin issues that may prevent healing.
Posted By: Renée Rouleau |
Does the weight gain and loss have a difference for the softness of the skin?
Posted By: Vins |
Weight fluctuation can result in skin sagging, but should affect the texture (softness) of the skin. Hope this helps!
Posted By: Renée Rouleau |
unfortunately im finding this to be true right now. I am almost 42 with an up and down weight each year of 20-30 pounds 🙁 very bad and what is scaring me is my facial skin… the acne scars that ive had forever , since my teens and 20s which weren’t noticeable just a year ago..are now out of control! it started with sun exposure ..no sof..very very bad.. that seemed to break down my skins collagen or something and they all showed up.. then I had the weight gain of almost 30 pounds in just 6 months and now want to take it off…im using retin a, a derma roller, all kinds of scar creams and scar sheets and more things I cant even remember such as bio oil oh yeah and dimethicone/silicone treatments while I lose weight in hopes… but wow they sure got bad! 🙁 majorly indented..wish I had just stayed thin as I was last year when I couldn’t even see them.. it seems the yo yo ieting did this but im hoping the gain did it.. since that’s when they appeared (and the sun) and losing will make them LESS noticeable even though everyone says opposite! I can only hope…when I eat blueberries and kale and pistachios everyday my skin was smooth and tight… I cant afford that now..but I will eat those 3 as much as I can when on sale:)
Posted By: Susan |
I notice my scars look better when my skin is tighter on my face= I’m thinner. Good luck.
Posted By: Amee Freeman |
Biiiiiiiiiig difference between “before” and “after”! You look like a teenage life guard in “after”. I bet you worked hard to get there, so outstanding job! Outstanding job career wise too 🙂 !!!
Posted By: Vera |
you look fantastic!! congratulations and keep it up
Posted By: Shilpa |
Thank you, Shilpa!
Posted By: Renée Rouleau |