My Skin Gets Red And Flushed In The Summer – What Should I Do?

Renee Rouleau's bio calm repair masque

When temperatures heat up, it leads to increased blood flow to the skin and dilation of the capillaries.  The results are an increased redness in skin.  Here are my tips for keeping redness to a minimum all summer long:

·    Keep your products in the refrigerator: Toners, serums and moisturizers and gel-based masks do well in the fridge.  Not only does this help preserve product, but the cooled down temps of the product help to reduce redness by constricting capillaries.

·    Use calming ingredients: Use products with anti-inflammatory and calming ingredients such as chamomile, sea whip, azulene, and white tea to infuse a natural and beneficial comforting treatment for your skin.

·    Wash your face with cool/tepid water: Avoid washing your face with hot water. It stimulates blood flow, which only increases redness, especially in your face.

·    Be sure to moisturize: People assume skin is less dry and oilier during summer. For those prone to redness, however, heat depletes moisture in skin, and lack of moisture creates dryness. Skin will get more irritated if dry.

·    Lighten up on intensive exercise: Running, kickboxing, and very strenuous/intense aerobic activity all creates a flush for the skin.  When temps are high, opt on choices that will cool and regulate blood flow, like swimming, walking, and yoga.

A red, flushed look is usually a temporary, but often-avoidable occurrence.  Follow these tips to help keep your skin calm when things start to heat up!

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  1. Clever tips! I could definitely improve upon my routine by using cooler water & popping my toner in the fridge! I cannot wait to use up my current products to try yours 🙂

    Posted By: Christy  | 


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