Should Eye Cream be Used Both Morning and Night?

Renee Rouleau's synergy eye cream

Considering that the eye area is not only the thinnest-skinned area of the face, but also the first one to show signs of aging, the use of eye cream is essential. But when it comes to applying it both morning and evening, it really comes down to personal preference.

While eye cream can definitely help plump up lines and soften the appearance of wrinkles, if you are using one that is too heavy and has too many oils, it can actually interfere with eye makeup, such as eyeliner and mascara, causing it to run more quickly than normal. Even with using the lightest-weight formulas, this still can occur. So while it is important to keep the area protected, if you do have a problem with makeup running, try avoiding eye cream during the day or using a very lightweight eye cream (or even an eye gel), and making sure to not apply it too close to your bottom eyelashes, as the cream can travel into the makeup areas of your eyes, causing irritation and interference.

I personally use eye cream morning and night during the winter, but come summer when the oil in my skin increases, I only use eye cream at night, not so much because of my makeup running, but rather as a person with oily skin, I really like to have the least amount of products on my skin as possible to avoid extra hydration when the air is humid…

Bottom line: Yes, use eye cream both morning and night, but at the very least, use it at night.

Do you use eye cream twice a day? Leave your comments below.

Read: Could Your Eye Cream Actually Be Causing You Wrinkles?

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  1. You already know I love your Firming Eye Therapy (which I actually have to reorder soon). I use it day and night. It is love!

    Posted By: Styrch  | 


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