Where Can I Buy Renée Rouleau Skin Care Products?

Renee Rouleau skincare products


A common question we receive is “Where can I buy Renée Rouleau skin care products in my area?” The Renée Rouleau products are sold exclusively at www.ReneeRouleau.com.

While I receive requests regularly by major retailers, doctors offices, skin spas and beauty boutiques to have my line sold in their locations, I have chosen not to go down this road. My time is currently spent on helping clients with their skin, making appearances in various cities offering skin treatments or one-on-one skin consultations, developing new products and writing blog posts sharing my skin tips and expert advice. Therefore selling to others would direct my time away from the things I truly love and set out to do twenty-five years ago.

So while I understand that it would be convenient to have my products available for purchase in your city, this is simply not part of my plan. We do have amazing customer service. You can send your skincare questions to [email protected] and one of our licensed estheticians will answer them. You can also reach out via social media or schedule a virtual consultation with one of our estheticians.

Read: 5 Ways An Alcohol-Free Toner Will Elevate Your Beauty Routine

Disclaimer: Content found on www.ReneeRouleau.com and Blog.ReneeRouleau.com, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website or blog.


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  1. Hi just wondering where your products are made and produced? In the USA? Or somewhere else?

    Posted By: Laura  | 

    • Our products are made mostly in the U.S. but a few are manufactured in Canada.

      Posted By: Renée Rouleau  | 

  2. People, PLEASE stop asking where you can buy these products because Renee has said several times already : they are sold exclusively on the website and nowhere else! Jesus. Can’t you read?

    Posted By: Erin  | 

  3. Where can I get your products in Canada thank u

    Posted By: Cheryl mcdougall  | 

    • We sell exclusively at ReneeRouleau.com

      Posted By: Renée Rouleau  | 

  4. Hi, I’m in Mozambique and how can i buy your products here?

    Posted By: Gina  | 

  5. I’m going through a very stressful time. My skin was flawless but since August it all changed. I get cysts on my chin every month without a break at least three at a time. I used to get once once in a blue moon but now I know without fail that as soon as they have all healed more are on the way. Some scarring but nothing major. Please help I’ve tried everything, it’s making me even more stressed that they won’t go away!

    Posted By: Susan  | 

    • Have you tried our Anti Cyst Treatment yet? See it here. Also, since your skin is changing, it’s time to change up your skin care routine to accomodate for the changes. Take our Skin Type Quiz to get products recommended. I know how frustrating that can be, but we are here to help!

      Posted By: Renée Rouleau  | 

  6. Hi. Are these products available in South-Africa?

    Posted By: Rozeldi Trollip  | 

  7. Hi Renee,i jsut saw the post at Marie Claire,I’m now 28,and still struggling with the acne problem,but my skin was quite sensitive and can’t use any product with AHA on my skin,is that Anti-Cyst Treatment suitable for my situation?thanks!

    Posted By: Ashley  | 

    • You didn’t say the reason why you can’t use AHA’s so it’s hard for me to comment. This is just a spot treatment so it will be used on a small areas.

      Posted By: Renée Rouleau  | 

  8. Hi Rene – can you tell me if you have any information on what
    can help Sebaceous Hyperplasia? I have several of these bumpos on my skin and they seem to be “traveling”. HELP!

    Posted By: Evelyn  | 

  9. What can I use for pigmentation?I’m in South Africa

    Posted By: Ntosh  | 


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